
Our seamless software integrations enable you to easily share data between WorkSync and a range of top HR, payroll, and health care applications.

Flexible Connectivity


WorkSync currently integrates with an array of best-in-class platforms — from top HR and payroll providers, like Paylocity, to electronic health record (EHR) software in the long-term space, like MatrixCare, and many more. We ensure a smooth flow of critical data between WorkSync and the solutions you already use and rely on.

Team working on multiple devices. With vendo logos.
Team work


WorkSync seeks partnerships with others dedicated to enhancing businesses’ HR capabilities and workforce experience. Please reach out if you’d like to connect with us. We look forward to learning about your solution and how we might be able to collaborate.



WorkSync is proudly showcased in several key industry hubs — including ADP Marketplace, which features a collection of top-quality HR software, and the PointClickCare Marketplace, which connects leading technology solutions with long-term care providers.

ADP Partner logo
PointClickCare Logo